The New Year is the time for hope, a fresh start, and resolutions. It’s also a time for predictions, so let’s have some fun. The scientists, visionaries, and gypsy fortune tellers at The Schaffer AR Institute for Research, Futurology & Humor are throwing their turbans into the ring. Here’s what we forecast will happen in 2023:
Prediction 1:
73% of vendors who believe that AR is a “nice to have” will find themselves blowing all their budgets on marketing activities that bring little value compared to AR.
Prediction 2:
87% of self-assured upper management will ignore analyst suggestions and lose market share to their biggest rival.
Prediction 3:
13% of self-assured upper management will make breakthrough business decisions based on an analyst's insights.
Prediction 4:
At least one unknown struggling startup will be discovered by an analyst and as a result, skyrocket to fame and $fortune$.
Prediction 5:
7 out of 10 savvy vendors will profit handsomely when analysts suggest them to prospective customers.
Prediction 6:
Vendors that deliver compelling analyst briefings about innovative technology will outperform boring vendors 100% of the time.
Prediction 7:
72% of analysts will shake things up and redefine the market as they see it.
Prediction 8:
Only 9% of vendors will benefit by working with analysts to shake things up and redefine the market.
Prediction 9:
69% of AR professionals will have the best year of their lives. 31% will be jealous of them.
Prediction 10:
100% of vendors that work with Schaffer AR will give themselves a big pat on the back when basking in their accomplishments at the end of the year. And that’s a fact.
Don’t let great analyst relations slip away in 2023. Take your first steps towards tangible benefits (startups and scaleups), or super-charge your existing program with new ideas and energy (mid- sized and large vendors). Jump in and have fun with the possibilities.
What are your predictions?