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Interview Series

Based on the State of Startups with Industry Analysts (SSIA) research, the interview series brings the topic of startups and industry analysts to light. Each interview features a startup, analyst, or VC/Accelerator discussing the in and outs of startup AR with Robin and fellow researcher, Chris Holscher of

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How the Funding World Works - Investors and Industry Analysts

Tech Startups that engage with Industry Analysts early and strategically are better positioned to win the funding race. VC Founder Adam Coughlin of York IE and Industry Analyst Richard Stiennon of IT-Harvest discuss with Analyst Relations specialists Robin Schaffer and Chris Holscher.

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Shawn Rogers, BARC

Shawn Rogers, Industry Analyst at BARC talks about how analysts look at startups, their fascinating role in the market, and how it helps the journey to market breakthrough.

Rose Ross, Tech Trailblazers

Rose Ross, Tech PR professional and tech startup ambassador, talks with Robin and Chris about how PR can benefit from working with an analyst relations specialist for startups in b2b tech.

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Jon Collins, GigaOm

Jon Collins, Senior Analyst and VP of Research with GigaOm, shares how an engineering-led industry analyst firm looks at working with startups and scaleups in b2b tech - and debunks some of the all-time myths.

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Martin Kuppinger, KuppingerCole

"In stealth-mode!" Martin Kuppinger, founder and Principal Analyst of KuppingerCole explains why startups are so relevant to the analyst firm's area of expertise: Identity Management and Security.

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Tom Pace,

Tom Pace is the Co-founder and CEO of Netrise. Tom shares how he first got in contact with the function of analyst relations and we talk about how he has been using industry analysts in the early stages of Netrise's journey and going forward.

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Nick Ezzo,

Nick shares his marketing journey with Auditoria and especially how the function of Analyst Relations is feeding into their amazing business success. We're talking about the challenges and opportunities of bringing together markets and technologies that have never been viewed in the same picture before.


Adam Coughlin,

Adam Coughlin is the Co-Founder and CMO of, a startup investment and advisory firm. Adam has more than 10 years of experience in B2B tech at enterprise-, midsized and small companies and has seen the challenges and benefits of working with industry analysts from every angle. We dive into many different topics on AR in this interview.

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